A new way to learn about local.

Learn about the Local Food Movement like a reporter - while you go On Assignment.

The kit comes with a 24-page introduction to writing in general, journalistic writing specifically, and the Local Food Movement. There are assignments to discover and report stories in nature - about our food. The included wooden disks are labeled and you randomly choose among them to determine certain journalistic elements of the stories. It is all laid out with simple directions…. Includes reporter’s notebook, pencil and badge.

I can put together packages for groups, including home schooling and nature centers - give presentations and conduct workshops.

Shipping - $5 per order. Free shipping for orders over $100.

On Assignment

On Assignment - First Edition
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from $5.00
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As Stephen King said, there’s no closet to go to for story ideas, they need to be discovered.

And in the process, we can learn about the food system - and our place in the chain.